Allen Carr has over 30m clients worldwide that have successfully stopped smoking with a unique seminar and world famous book - The Easy Way to Stop Smoking

This was a challenging project building the online seminar of the worlds leading ‘Stop Smoking Program.’

The project began with leading the design of the site and implementing on the Kajabi online courses platform, it took 2-3 months to the the site live with stunning design and easy user flow.

The media planning was a little more challenging as the hardest part of getting a smoker to quit smoking is persuading them to quit smoking, let alone charging them for it.

We had to build a plan that got the user engaged and confident that this method works and easy to accomplish. 

After various testing modules and funnels we cracked the funnel and turned the test budget to a break even in 3 months and to a  positive ROI with in a couple more.

The professionalism of the Allen Carr team and understanding of their product and  the users journey helped reach results in a short period.

The breakthrough in getting the best results was the free trial – not getting into too much detail, but it was crucial letting the users experience the seminar before they committed to more. This kind of product needs a long and informative funnel with late conversions from retargeting and good retention on leads acquired. 

This was defiantly one of the most interesting and challenging projects that I have taken part in because of the hard conversion process that needed to cracked on a limited budget and time frame. 

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