How to create demand for your product with marketing automation funnels

marketing automation

SaaS companies and startups are always trying to find new ways to create demand for their product or service. Marketing automation and funnels are two fantastic ways to improve your marketing and sales effort and create demand for your product. In this article, I’ll cover how they work, how to choose them, and how to implement them into your business in order to drive more traffic and sales to your startup.

Marketing, especially when launching a new product, can be tough. Your product idea may be so great that people just need to get the right exposure. You could bombard people with information but what good will that do? With a careful consideration of empathy in mind, you can start generating demand for your product. Empathy allows you to put yourself in the shoes of potential customers.

Marketing automation is more than just a software program; it’s a process you should use from the very beginning. A marketing funnels starts the moment your customers get 1st exposure to your product.  Start by making sure that your landing page on social media or website has an explicit CTA (call-to-action) that prompts visitors to buy, sign up, or learn more about your product. The goal of this stage is twofold: 

The funnel becomes narrower as prospects go through subsequent stages of content. Finally, at the end of this journey, prospects will be presented with an offer so valuable they can’t refuse it!

Marketing automation and funnels are one of the most underrated ways that startups can ensure they have an ongoing supply of leads. Marketing is essential, but even the best marketers in the world will have an easier time generating leads when they know what they’re supposed to be getting. Luckily, there are easy ways for startups to build these marketing systems around their products. In this post we’ll show you three steps that can help you do just that.

First, think about the purpose of your marketing funnel. Then start with a single email, which would include a link to your blog or landing page. Finally add two more emails where you can provide information about how people could use the product (provide content on how it works).

It’s important to have a well-defined funnel, with various elements to it in order to convert the customer into a brand advocate. Using retargeting tactics will help you keep them engaged with your business by letting them know that they’re getting closer to their desired purchase. 

The purpose of a retargeting campaign is to increase the number of clicks on ads by showing ads based on previous browsing behavior. For example, if an individual views a service but doesn’t make any engagement, books a demo, contacts sales or enter their email address, then the company can display an ad for that same company on another site such as Facebook, Linkedin or Goolge ad network. 

A variation of this technique is remarketing – showing ads to people who’ve already seen those products or services at some point before visiting the site.

The best way to get ahead of the competition is not always through what you do, but what they don’t. The easiest way to find out what other companies are doing is through their blog posts. Google searches and checking out what they post on social media can also provide a plethora of information on the market competitor. One good method of determining where the competition might be lacking or falling short, would be by examining where they’re investing money. What markets or products are they trying to target?

Marketing automation tools can help you continuously measure the performance of your efforts. Automated software allows you to organize all of your contacts, messages, leads, events, e-mail campaigns and more in one place. 

You can then track what content is performing well with which audience, and which channels are best suited for each campaign. Additionally, by testing different approaches, you can better identify your target market and maximize ROI. 

For example, if someone visits your website but doesn’t sign up right away, it’s a good idea to set up a series of follow-up messages that will encourage them to take the next step in their conversion journey. By using these analytics features, startups are able to measure how effective their marketing funnel is at generating demand for their product or service.

I will help build plan and execute a strategy with over 20 years experience. I have experience with B2B, SaaS and startups in the tech industry. 

Marketing automation and marketing funnels is my expertise. I can help you take your business from an idea to a sustainable startup. My team has created many successful marketing campaigns for startups as well as large corporations in various fields including Cyber security, Devop tools and more.

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